With grateful thanks and appreciation to all who have helped.

The Daventry Community Association ( a registered charity who are the owners and operators of the Daventry Community Centre) would like to offer their most sincere and appreciative gratitude to the following organisations, companies and individuals who have, over the past two and a half years, helped to enable the renovation of this wonderful Centre.

Sita Trust –  contact at:                                                       www.sitatrust.org.uk

Daventry Town Council – contact at:                               daventrytowncouncil.gov.uk

Daventry District Housing Association – contact at:    futureshg.co.uk

Daventry District Council – contact at:                            daventrydc.gov.uk

D Hayles Roofing Ltd – contact at:                                  dhaylesroofingltd@live.co.uk

Johnsons Paints Ltd – contact at:                                  johnstones paints.com

John Blyth Decorators – contact at:                               johnblyth09@aol.com

Steve Tubb Fabrications – contact at:                           doggycages.com

Juice Sound & Light   – contact at:                                www.juicesound.co.uk

and also the many other individuals who have given their time and their assistance in the work that has been done.  In the case of any omissions from this list of names we offer our most sincere apologies.



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